This is the original BOK: A hexagonal, green and red tent. In summer, the sides can be opened, and in winter, the space is heated. It can also be transformed into an urban kiosk, where only the roof and structure remain to create an open-air classroom. The tent can host between 2 and 20 persons. Different “bodies of knowledge” come and share their knowledge in the tent. Every one is welcome to attend, no reservation is required.
With the financial support of: Manyone, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Kaaitheater, BUDA, Vooruit, CAMPO, Noorderzon Festival of Performing Arts & Society, BIT Teatergarasjen, Bergen, Reykjavik Dance Festival, Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts, the Flemish Community, the Flemish Minister of Brussels, Youth & Media, the Flemish Community Commission, the French Community Commission & the Municipality of Anderlecht.